
You can’t make more money in Japan than you think!

There are many people from developing countries who come to Japanese to make money with a lot of debts. But it is difficult for those people to make a money unless they have special skills. They had better go to U.S. or Europe.

Isn't it so?(だってそうじゃない!?) by LINDBERG

There might be a music video on Youtube. The lyric is here. The audio file or streaming to learn Japanese.

catch(キャッチボール) by LINDBERG

There might be a music video on Youtube. The lyric is here. The audio file or streaming to learn Japanese.

When I grow up(大きくなったなら) by LINDBERG

There might be a music video on Youtube.

The lyric is here.

The audio file or streaming to learn Japanese.


How to use particle 「に」 or 「で」 about a place

I found that foreign people made mistakes about how to use "に" or "で". It depends on a verb in a sentence. So just memorize with those verbs. Fo example, 〇日本「に」留学する ×日本「で」留学する 〇日本「に」住む ×日本「で」住む。 〇日本「で」勉強する ×日本「に」勉強する 〇日本「に」行く ×日本「で」行く 〇レストラン「で」食事をする ×レストラン「に」食事をする


If we meet in dream (夢であえたら) by LINDBERG

Please click "YouTube で見る" and watch at Youtube.

The lyric is here.

The audio file or streaming to learn Japanese.
